If only jobs were trending this powerfully in a flesh-and-blood world faced with another threat of worldwide economic crisis and soon-to-de defunct Postal Service systems. Many flocked to Twitter at the start the president’s much anticipated speech about The American Jobs Act, with its $450 billion price tag, and the chitter-chatter soon became disharmonious.
“My son Sawyer started crying when I put #jobsnow speech on. Should of known it was a sign of things to come #liberalfail,” said @Mansdoerfer at 9:01 P.M., using the popular Twitter “hashtags” to link to related tweets.
R. T. Rybak, the mayor of blue state Minneapolis, MN, felt differently. “Every day the American Jobs Act doesn’t get passed there are unemployed Americans who could be working. Get it done, Congress!” he tweeted supportively.
Some praised the speech’s delivery while others displayed their support of the bill by reposting quotes from the speech. Here are some popular jobs quotes:
- “The American Jobs Act will not add to the deficit. It will be paid for.”
- “Pass this jobs bill, and put our teachers back in the classroom where they belong.”
- “The people who hired us to work for them don’t have the luxury of waiting 14 months.”
And it is not surprising that there are those who have reservations. @ifdyperez writes: “Show me, don’t tell me, Mr. President. I’ll tell you what I think when I can see the details. #jobspeech.”
Can’t argue with that.