Like many other twentysomethings in New York, Pamela Zwaskis was struggling to make money when she moved to the city two years ago. After spending some time participating in medical experiments and working in retail, she stumbled across an advertisement on Craigslist looking for extras to portray goths on Law and Order. After getting the job, enjoying it, and finding it to be good money, she has turned extra work into a sort of professional hobby. Pamela has been given the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, from popular TV shows to web series to B-movies, and has enjoyed getting more and more experience. It is very spontaneous work, with most jobs being given on short notice, but Pamela gets plenty of stories to tell. Currently, she has an ongoing position as a core extra on a TV drama. Getting paid to play dress up is all in a day’s work.
Pamela talks about finding her first job on Law and Order.
Pamela talks about what makes the job fun.
Pamela talks about what being a core extra is like.
Ambient (had to be rerecorded on another occasion because of wind.)