Wheeling groceries home from the Park Slope Food Coop

The Park Slope Food Coop was doing a brisk business on Saturday night.

Outside the front door, shoppers secured their carts and paired off with “walkers,” whose job is to escort shoppers home and then wheel the Coop-owned carts back to the store.

It’s become a distinctive Park Slope sight: the heavy-duty cart jangles along the sidewalk, accompanied by a shopper in civilian clothes and a Coop escort wearing an orange mesh work vest with reflective trimming.

Here’s what the experience sounds like on an uneven patch of sidewalk on Union Street:

Jangling all the way home


On Saturday evening, we tagged along for the walk home and asked shoppers what they were most excited about in their carts. Here’s what a few of them said:

Dr. Cow Cashew Nut Cheese: “It’s creamy; it’s heavenly”


Robert’s Crunchy Corn Sticks: “They just taste good”


Vitamix: “Ride that baby” for health