The basics of self-employment

High unemployment and high self-employment go hand in hand. Freshly laid off workers are trying to deal with the recession by the power of their own entrepreneurial spirit, a risk that can be a great opportunity for nearly anyone.

Most people aren’t used to being their own bosses, though, and need a little guidance around the legal and practical issues they will face with their own business. While the government and society in general are rooting for clever startups, it can be tough to wade through all of the regulations and tax laws that self-employment brings.

To simplify, here’s a list of links that can clear up any self-employment issues, as well as give you some good pointers on getting your business moving towards the black.

  1. Business Week’s Guide to Self-Employment
  2. The National Association for the Self-Employed
  3. The Self Employment Assistance Program
  4. Self-Employed Individuals Tax Center
  5. Self-Employment Resources from